The importance of a good management audit system can hardly be over-emphasized, in today's competitive world.
We offer services under this service model:
- Statutory
- Internal
- Management / Special
- Due Diligence
- Information Technology
- Certification
- Foreign Remittance
- APR for RBI
- Net-worth Certificates
- Valuation Certificate
Some of the areas which get covered in the management audit are :
- Implementation of the most appropriate internal control and internal check and internal audit systems.
- Study of wastage and leakage at various levels.
- Cost reduction and cost management solutions.
- Selective audit of large expense heads & outflows.
- Good Assurance system in respect of Revenue and Expenses to detect and prevent frauds.
- Statutory Compliance Health Check
- Study of Business Performance Measurement systems.
- Special Investigations involving study of specific transactions.
- Development of an appropriate accounting and audit manual